Healing Sessions
Where the sessions are individually tailored for your needs.
When you come for a session at Heavenly Healing's each session is individually tailored to your whole being's needs. Sharon connects though kinesiology with the innate wisdom of your own body and also connects with her spirit team to access what techniques and modalities are needed during the session - therefore you do not need to choose an individual therapy - the information below is helping to explain the different modalities that may be used in a healing session.
The exception is you can have an individual spirit guide/tarot card reading and a individual house/ business/land clearing and healing.
You can incorporate a reading into being part of a healing session e.g. the first half hour can be a card/ spirit reading reading then the other hour can be doing other healing modalities. This mix works well as often issues are highlighted in the reading and then we use the healing to clear out the issues - such as a past life or a problem reoccurring pattern.
You can also share a session/reading with another e.g. if you book a two hour session - you and your partner can have about an hour each within the session or if you book a reading you can have a half hour reading each.
Health Kinesiology:
Health Kinesiology is a non invasive method using muscle feedback and body awareness that can help you reduce pain and stress and improve performance at school, work, sports and improves relationships and helps promote health and well-being.
It works on your underlying energy blue print and includes the meridian system, chakras , subtle bodies. It clears and heals imbalances in the energy system which can lead to acute or chronic diseases and imbalances in any area of your life.
in HK we use muscle testing to monitor the energy system.
To correct an out of balance energy system we use gentle corrections using cosbats ( energy tool containing color and symbols/ numbers) and or gentle touch on energy points which is often combined with a thought/ magnets/ color / crystals / homeopathic remedy/ energy vials and other tools.
We also use nutrition/ rest/ exercise/ affirmations/ and many other things to help achieve balance and I often get you to do these things at home to assist the work done in the session.
Health Kinesiology is used to address imbalances like:
* Disturbed reactions to food
*Food intolerance
*Nutritional concerns
* Detoxification
*Emotional and physical stress
* Low energy and chronic fatigue
*Digestive and hormonal problems
*Effects of trauma from near or distant past
* Impediments to learning, creativity and performance
*Psychological and relationship issues
*electromagnetic distress
* many other issues.

Some of the kits used in Health Kinesiology.
Touch for Heath Kinesiology:
This type of kinesiology restores the body back to its natural state of health.
It uses muscle monitoring combined with aspects of chinese medicine in order to diagnose and correct energy imbalances in the body.
health Kinesiology can:
*Increase energy and vitality
*Prevent illnesses
*Improve posture
*Reduce physical and mental pain and tension
*Reduce and manage emotions and stress
*Enhance brain function and coordination
*Balance around goals.

Soul Power Kinesiology
This is about reconnecting with your soul
During your lifetime you may become out of harmony with your soul path and this can create an inner conflict and disease as the alignment between the soul and your personality can become distorted.
During a soul power treatment you release and release emotional issues and blockages from this life and or precious lives.
We restore your soul power and path by the use of many of my energy tools for example crystals/ cosbats/ magnets/ colored light and holding the energy points.
This is a deep transformational experience.
It explores the relationship between how a person thinks and how they communicate both verbally and non verbally and there patterns of behavior.
NLP is a behavioral techniques that teaches people that teaches people to change or adopt new behaviors as required and to choose there mental and physical states of being.
Essentially it is about knowing what is happening inside your self and others.
Some of the benefits of NLP
* Improves self confidence and helps you to be more self assured
* Creates a more positive outlook on your life
* helps you to achieve your goals
* Improve your communication skills
*Reduces traumas
*Clears phobias
*Enables you to become more successful at what you do.
Neuro Linguistic Programming ( N L P )
Crystals are used to enhance mental, spiritual and physical healing.
The crystals and gemstones process natural earth energies that can positively affect imbalances in the human energy field thus promoting health and wellness.
Crystals are placed on or around the body - on chakras and or meridians or used to sweep through the aura.
Energy vials of crystals are also used - these work on a higher plane than the physical crystals
The interaction between the crystal vibrations and the clients vibration brings about a deep relaxing healing to all levels of a person.
Crystal Therapy
Sound is great for clearing, toning, strengthening the energy body.
Sound is added by use of the tuning forks/ bell/ shaker/ crystal bowels / drum and chanting and toning.
Sound can be used in many ways such as to clear energy blockages like emotions stuck in a meridian - help to clear out negative entities - Balance chakras - the tuning forks for the spine assist with cleansing healing and realigning the spinal energy.

Songs of the spine tuning fork set used correct the energy flow of the spine.
Sound Healing
Energy Healing
This is designed to restore the harmony, energy and balance within the human energy field through the medium of touch.
Specific touches will influence the energy system.
It is a gentle non invasive technique - this is some of the ways in which energy healing is used in a session:
* Clear energize and balance your energy field
*Heal holes rips and tears in your aura
*Clear and heals your chakras
*Heal the grid system, layers, subtle bodies of your aura.
*Hold energy points to balance the body around a goal.

Homeopathic medicines are safe, gentle and non-toxic, highly effective and very cost effective, they are made from plants and animal products and minerals. Homeopathy is suitable for all ages from Babies through to the elderly and can even be used safely during pregnancy and breast feeding.
There have been successful clinical practices of Homeopathy all over the world for over 200 years and over 200 million people use homeopathy worldwide on a regular basis and the countries of Brazil, Chile, India, Mexico, Pakistan, Switzerland and UK even have it as part of their health care system
It has been shown that all the techniques / readings / clearings and healing on people, animals, land, houses and business by Sharon Cairns at Heavenly Healing's helps in most cases. However due to the spiritual nature of her work each case is unique and may require different amounts of time and techniques to work successfully.
We do not diagnose or claim to heal illness as we are a complimentary therapy only.
We may also come across things we have not dealt with before so we can only endeavor to do our best to help with these situations, to the best of our knowledge at the time of the session.
Should a situation arise that we cannot solve, Sharon Cairns at Heavenly Healing's cannot be held liable for her work in any way shape or form
Thank you
Sharon Cairns