Here at Heavenly Healing's we address the imbalances in your life and find and work with the causes of your issues.
The services we offer make profound positive lasting changes at the deepest levels of your being so you can fully enjoy your life.
We can also teach you in our classes the skills and benefits of being present, focusing your energy, and reconnecting with yourself, and your spirit team. Meditation helps to relax your mind, bring clarity to your thoughts, psychic development can assist you in your everyday life.
Apart from the class all healing sessions, readings, clearings are able to be done either in person or on Skype or messenger or as an absent session -an absent session is where I work on your energy field and send you a report on the work carried out in the session. Therefore a session is open to anyone around the world who can speak and read English.

About Sharon
I am a passionate energy healer/Kinesiologest/homeopath/clairvoyant /medium /spiritual teacher. I also do personal and house clearings and healing's. I have over 25 years experience running my own healing business.
I work with my spirit team using my clairvoyance /clairaudient abilities and the modality of kinesiology (or a pendulum if doing online sessions) to facilitate individual sessions for people as each person has there own unique pathway to healing and wellness.

Sharon Cairns
Healing Sessions
Each session is individually tailored to what a person needs by connecting to the innate wisdom of the persons body through kinesiology, and also being guided by Sharon's spirit team and the person's own guides/angels.
During the session some or all of these modalities below may be used in a session to heal your whole being:
*Kinesiology -health kinesiology /soul power kinesiology/ touch for health kinesiology.
*Past life therapy
* NLP and time line therapy
*Energy healing
*Crystal / sound/ magnetic/symbol healing.
These modalities work on all levels of your being - on parts of your energy being such as your chakras/ meridians / subtle bodies/ aura /physical body systems to restore you back into balance and harmony within yourself and your environment.
Connect and learn who are your spirit guides and your guardian angels.
Receive messages from spirit to assist you in your healing sessions and every day life.
Understand your past life influences and the connections you have with people you know today from past lives.
Connect with loved ones in spirit.
Explore the possibilities of your future through the tarot cards and your spirit guides.
House/land and Business clearing and healing
These sessions clears the energy field of your home/land or business from spirits/other peoples energies and emotions/ past traumas stuck from events at certain places.
Geopathic stress (stress from the earth) is cleared and or balanced.
When the clearing part is finished then the energy field is then healed /stabilized/ replenished and harmonized to create a great place to live and or work in.
Great to do if you are shifting house so you move into a nice clean energy.
The session can be done in person or online or as an absent session or I can also travel to your place.
Healing and psychic development classes:
This is class run on most Monday nights where you come as much as you like - although the more regular you come the more you will benefit from it.
Each week we do a guided mediation and usually learning some healing skills - For example how to use a pendulum / healing the holes in your aura/ balancing your subtle bodies/ clearing out entities and much more.
Psychic development -We do a range of different things like practicing seeing auras and psychomotery and card readings and psychic development exercises, learning how to connecting with spirit and meeting your spirit guides.
Class times: 6:30 to 8:30 pm and cost is $10
Please text Sharon if you wish to come to ensure the class is running and I have the information you need ready.

Renee Carsen
I have known Sharon for 7 years as a friend and healer.
I met Sharon at a Body Mind Spirit fair. I was experiencing chronic throat pain and had for 10 years but Doctors were unable to find anything wrong.
I had a series of treatments with Sharon which involved relaxing on a massage table while she cleared my energy body. The chronic pain disappeared and I am very happy to be free.
Sharon also has helped me clear headaches and colds over the past 7 years. Normally with just one treatment and i am feeling healthy again.
I would highly recommend Sharon and always recommend my friends and family to get help from her.
Renee: Christchurch, New Zealand

I asked the universe to send me only the most powerful of healers and teachers across my path. Sharon is one of these.
After every session the old programs are cleared and new ones come into play creating a life of joy, fun, sovereignty and love.
I have the deepest respect for Sharon who is truly in service to our highest and best versions of ourselves.
I am learning so much and my consciousness is expanding after every session.
I enjoy working with Sharon on our online sessions.
Melanie: Scotland

I came to Sharon 5 years ago, where LIFE stopped making any sense. After a lifetime of compromises and misguided belief patterns, I needed answers. The very first session saw me lighter and refreshed. Sharon has been truly the best LIFE CHANGING decision I made. She has healed me, my family overseas and is a blessing. Over the years, I have changed and become my own person. I am very grateful and highly recommend the healing offered here. It is truly heavenly in every sense.
Josh: Christchurch, New Zealand